
Wetering Medical Centre

Wetering Medical Centre was established by Dr R. Krijnen in 2011. The clinic focuses on dermatology, gynaecology and phlebology.

The clinic’s mission is to provide care in an environment where people feel comfortable and which contributes to well-being and healing. The attitude of the health care providers is just as important as the environment: committed, with time and attention for the patient.

Our center particularly provides care under health insurance, comparable to the services of a dermatology or gynaecology outpatient department in a hospital. In addition, the Wetering Medical Centre offers cosmetic treatments (not covered by health insurance).

The center employs several experienced doctors: five dermatologists and three gynaecologists. Varicose vein treatments are provided by phlebologist. The team further includes practice nurses, receptionists, vascular laboratory technicians and skin therapists.

Dermatoloog dr. R. Krijnen

R. Krijnen, MD, PhD

BIG-number: 0903278471

Dermatologist specialising in phlebology. She published a doctoral thesis on the relation between working conditions and varicose veins. Dr Krijnen established the Wetering Medical Centre and the Amsterdam Varicose Vein Clinic in order to provide care to patients in a patient-friendly environment, where patients can be given the time and attention they need.

Dermatoloog drs. Juan Galvis Martinez

J.C. Galvis Martinez, MD

BIG-number: 59910474401

Graduated as a dermatologist at the AMC. His areas of expertise are surgery and cosmetology (botox and fillers). In addition to general dermatology, he specialises as a venerologist in the diagnostics and treatment of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

Dermatoloog drs. A. Stouthamer

A. Stouthamer, MD

BIG-number: 59028060201

Ms Stouthamer has followed her training as a dermatologist at the VU in Amsterdam. She focuses on general dermatology, with a special focus on child dermatology.

Dermatoloog dr. S. van Velsen

S. van Velsen, MD, PhD

BIG-number: 49066208401

Ms Van Velsen was trained as a dermatologist at VU in Amsterdam. She focuses on general dermatology and allergology.

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S.A. Nieuwenburg, MD, PhD

BIG-number: 29921013201

Doctor of dermatology

Plastisch chirurg Dr. P.G.L. Koolen

P.G.L. Koolen, MD, PhD

BIG-number: 99912221801

Dr. Koolen trained as a plastic surgeon at the Amsterdam UMC. In recent years he has worked for Harvard Medical School (Boston), MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston), and currently also works at Haaglanden MC (The Hague). He specializes in reconstructive surgery after cancer treatment, cosmetic procedures, botox/fillers, and hand surgery.

Gynaecoloog drs. S. Mahesh

S. Mahesh, MD

BIG-number: 19048934801

Gynaecologist, specializes in endoscopic surgery, benign gynaecology and fertility. After completing his training as a gynaecologist at AMC, he gained many years’ of experience in various hospitals in and around Amsterdam. He has a gynaecological practice at the Wetering Medical Centre.

Gynaecoloog dr. R.I. Olivier

R.I. Olivier, MD, PhD,

BIG-number: 29057990201

Ms. Olivier was trained as a gynaecologist at Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. She wrote a dissertation on ovarian cancer screening. In addition to general gynaecology, she pays special attention to preconception care, partly due to her experience in obstetrics gained in various hospitals.

Profielfoto gynaecoloog Eva van Horen

E. van Horen, MD, PhD,

BIG-number: 39066804401

Gynecologist since 2016
Trained as a gynaecologist at the Amsterdam UMC and OLVG West. Subsequently worked as chef de clinic at the Amsterdam UMC, Spaarne Gasthuis and Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep Den Helder. From 2022 onwards, I started focusing on care in women’s clinics. First at Curilion in Haarlem and the Women’s Clinic in Amsterdam South East and now at Medical Center Wetering. My areas of interest are menopause, cervical pathology and fertility. I enjoy being able to provide patient care with full attention and time and I thrive on working in a nice, close-knit team

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S. Vonken

BIG-number: 79053402401


drs J.R.H. Jansbeken

J.R.H. Jansbeken, MD

BIG-number: 29908535101

Drs Jansbeken was trained at the VU University Medical Center as a general and vascular surgeon. After his training he gained experience in several hospitals. He specializes in the treatment of varicose veins (phlebology) and surgical procedures, such as the treatment of skin cancer and the surgical removal of benign skin growths. He finds it important to have time and attention for his patients.

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A. Jensema

BIG-number: 09055483901


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C. van Heuven

BIG-number: 89057696501


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E. Karakoç

BIG-number: 19927616201

Doctor of dermatology and phlebology

Vaatlaborante K. Hoogland

K. Hoogland

Vascular laboratory technician

Profielfoto I.Toonder

I. Toonder

Vascular laboratory technician

Huidtherapeute N. Goilo

N. Goilo

Skin therapist

L. Kruisheer arts bij MC Wetering.

L. Kruisheer

Skin therapist

Doktersassistent E.J.A. van de Nes

E.J.A. van de Nes

Practice Nurse

Doktersassistente Chayennne Soekra

C. Soekra

Practice Nurse

Doktersassistent F. Unal

F. Unal

Practice Nurse

Doktersassistent C. de Boer

C. de Boer

Practice Nurse

Profielfoto doktersassistente Sanchez Suarez

S. Sanchez Suarez

Practice Nurse

Profielfoto Doktersassistent Manglano Diaz

M. Manglano Diaz

Practice Nurse

Coördinator A. Huisman

A. Huisman


Team member Michelle

M. Milo

Receptionist/Quality Officer